This game has been updated, but the original jam version is always available for download!

Your mother disappeared when you were little. They say she was last seen descending the mines of Mt. Dine. Find her, no matter what.

Left arrow or "A" = Move left.
Right arrow or "D" = Move right.
Space bar = Interact with something in front of you.

Up arrow or "W" = Climb rope or ladder.

== Spoilers for game mechanics! ==

Courage & Perseverance:
Each time you descend, the game will pick a number from 0-9. If that number is greater than the amount of perseverance you have, you lose one courage. If the number is lower, then you keep that amount of courage, but lose one perseverance.

Chests & Roses:
When you open a chest, the game decides which resource it should use. There's a 90% chance of courage, and 10% change of perseverance. Then, the game decides whether you gain, gain nothing, or lose that resource. Those percentages are roughly 77%, 13%, and 6%, respectively. Roses give you one perseverance.

Ghost & Headstones:
When you complete a ghost's side quest, you receive 5 courage. If you speak to a ghost and haven't completed their quest yet, they'll give you one courage.

Headstones are randomized from a list of 5 names and death causes, so there's a high probability of repeated names. Logically, this doesn't make sense, but I ran out of time to make a proper system that removes names and deaths from their lists. 

Floors & Rooms:
There are 10 rooms per floor, which are randomized, so you're likely to repeat some within any given floor. Generally speaking, as you descend the number of chests you can encounter decreases, and the number of ghosts and headstones increases. Roses start appearing from floor 3, and ladders/ropes start appearing from floor 4.  

The Miner:
Has dialogue each time you "fail".  When he stops having unique responses, he'll give you one courage before you descend.


Vandalorum = Music! ( vandalorum.bandcamp.com)


MiniDescendantsWindowsJAM.zip 15 MB
MiniDescendantsWindows1.4.zip 15 MB

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